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Slicing Ascent
Design: Saul Kim
Image: River He Zhe Hua
Schematic Design from AA269
Jun 2024
Concept house derived from formal displacement of a pitched roof massing.
When sliced, the upper portion of the house slides down along the staircase, while rotating off the grid slightly. It is the question of what caused it to stop, and why in that exact position.
The initial massing holds a spiral staircase in the corner of the inside, which is comepletely circular when seen from plan. As the upper portion of the massing slides downwards after the slice, the circular staircase holds the lower corner and upper corner with four tangent points.
Hence, formal logic of the house is mathematically ruled so that the tangency of a single component (staircase) within a home can determin the specific limit to formal displacement.

Slicing Ascent
Video by River He Ze Hua

Architecture Anomaly 269
Animation by Saul Kim

Slicing Ascent
Image by River He Ze Hua
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